Free Snagging Template & Ebook Guide

Please feel free to download our basic free snagging template tick-sheet and free excel spreadsheet to collate your findings and send to your builder. The free snagging tick-sheet template covers just the basic aspects on how to snag a house, and the free excel spreadsheet template gives you the ability to add snags, rooms and trades (and more) to organise the snag list. You can also read our free snagging ebook by downloading the pdf or reading relevant pages below.






Free snagging excel template


DIY Snagging vs. professional snagging:

To snag a property as a professional you have to have rounded knowledge about everything from plumbing to fire-safety which like most professions takes years to gain. Therefore most homeowners simply do not have the knowledge what to look for past the obvious defects. This is why our service carrying out snagging surveys is so popular because at face value a house can seem good quality, but often there are serious defects that we uncover.

If you would prefer to snag your property yourself, we hope the free snagging templates (tick list and spreadsheet) will help you. The ticklist offers the most common issues externally and internally and then the spreadsheet helps you collate them. If you'd prefer to purchase a snag list app rather than our free spreadsheet snagging template, we recommend 'site audit pro' which allows you to add pictures alongside the snag issue which can time stamp photos (useful for capturing damage) and produces a pdf report.