How to Write Test Cases: Examples With Best Practices

Learn the essentials of writing effective test cases in software testing, covering key elements and best practices. Explore more in our detailed guide!

Testμ Conference

A test case is a set of criteria for validating a specific feature or functionality. It outlines the processes, test data, prerequisites, and postconditions needed to verify a software application's functionality.

The main objective of the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is to identify and report any errors or issues in software applications as soon as possible. Among its several phases, test case development is a crucial step. It involves writing the correct cases to run tests.

In other words, the testing case is a critical component of STLC, ensuring the reliability and functionality of the software application. It can be defined as the detailed description of required steps and expected results for specific test scenarios.

Writing effective test cases helps ensure the functionality of software applications and verifies whether the software meets the Software Requirement Specification (SRS). However, understanding the function of the software applications to be tested is necessary to write effective test cases. Additionally, you should be able to think critically and creatively to identify errors in software applications.

What is a Test Case?

A test case is the set of actions executed on a software application as part of the testing process to validate its features and functionality. In other words, it is a detailed description of a specific test that helps to execute a test successfully. Executing testing cases is essential to the software development process, as it helps ensure the application's quality and reliability.

The primary purpose of running test cases is to identify any defects or issues in the application so that they can be fixed before the application is released to the end users.

Here are some key points that will give you a good understanding of test cases:

Why are Test Cases Important?

When you plan to test an application, you should know the appropriate time for the release of the software application or mark it as “complete” for the developed features or task. You would have witnessed a situation where you are unsure whether testing has covered all functionality of software applications expected by end users.

This could be time-consuming. To avoid such situations, testing cases are created in advance. It covers all the positive and negative test scenarios to test a software application.

When you develop test cases in advance, there will be a clear direction for software testing and its expected result. In other words, testing cases provide steps and input data values to run a test. Further, you can share the planned testing cases with the end user to get feedback or update them if necessary. Thus, it brings together all the crucial aspects of testing software applications.

Having test cases also ensures continuous testing. You can get an idea of the test conducted for the functionality of the software application when it is required for retesting after any changes are made. Additionally, if you are given any application to test, testing cases will allow you to ensure that the new tester does not miss any test scenarios.


Objectives of Writing Test Cases in Software Testing

Following are the objectives for writing test cases for software testing:

Features of Test Cases

Testers and developers aim to ensure high-quality, bug-free software applications that meet users’ requirements. To achieve this, testing cases should cover all primary components and functionalities of software applications. Here are some crucial features to consider while creating them.

Role of Test Cases in Software Testing Life Cycle

Software testing’s significance is imperative as it helps identify bugs early in an application. The activities involved in testing software applications are gathered into the Software Testing Life Cycle. It reflects a systematic way of planning a test to ensure the application's quality.

Software Testing Life Cycle involves different phases of software testing, which includes requirement analysis, test case planning, test case development, test case environment setup, test case execution, and test cycle closure. Among those phases, creating test cases lies within the test case development phase.

However, its position in the Software Testing Life Cycle varies depending on the method used. For example, in the test planning phase of the Software Testing Life Cycle, the testing team analyzes the requirements of the testing process. Based on this, the testing case will be developed, including the testing approach, scope, test types, and test objectives.

The written test case is executed in the test execution phase after setting up the test environment. Further, it is then re-executed during retesting of the software application. The outcome of the test case is reported, and its final test report is generated during the test closure phase.

Function of Test Cases

Test cases specify the expected outcome and functionality or features that a tester verifies. They help determine whether a software application or its features work as expected. Test cases are written and executed in software testing to determine whether the developed software application is ready for release.

Here are some of their essential functions:

Similar terms often create confusion among new testers and developers. You may sometimes be unable to understand the need for the test case, test script, and test scenario.

Test Case vs. Test Suite vs. Test Script vs. Test Scenario

Test cases, test suites, test scripts, and test scenarios are all related to software testing. However, they are all different from each other. Let us see how the test case differs from other technical terms.

Type of Test Cases

Addressing the different types of test cases is essential to understand the purpose of the test case. The importance of testing cases varies depending on the objectives of the testing process and the nature of the software being tested.

Here are some key points on the importance of different testing cases to help you choose the correct one that aligns with your SRS in testing software applications.

Test Cases Styles

Different styles of testing cases are used in software testing, which helps to meet the requirements and objectives of the testing process. Here are the three most important styles:

Importance of Writing Effective Test Cases

Effective test cases cannot be overlooked in the Software Development Life Cycle. Writing effective test cases allows you to run successful tests and make software applications bug-free.

Let us dive deep into why we should write effective ones. Here are some related points:

How to Write a Test Case?

Test case templates include the relevant information to run a test specific to the requirement. There is a standard format to write testing cases that you can modify. You can also consider it like the checklist to ensure all crucial functionalities of a software application are included.

Below are the essential elements that are required to be included while writing test cases:

Note: You can also add information if there are any special conditions to support the above entries or questions about the actual or expected result. For example, any additional comments about the testing case, such as defects or issues identified during testing.

Following the above testing case format makes adhering to the standard way to write test cases easy. It will ensure that no information related to the test is missed. You should always review and maintain the testing cases to include new functionality.

Role of Test Case Templates

A test case template consists of a series of testing cases that need to be tested by the QA team. Each test case template is designed to make it easy for all team members to understand. This document outlines the steps, inputs, and expected results. Using a testing case template, one can plan and organize testing efforts, ensuring all necessary testing cases are executed and defects are identified and tracked.

The following are some testing case templates to help you with daily testing activities.

Test Case Templates
Snowflake Template
CI/CD Template
Salesforce Template
ServiceNow Template
Shopify Template
eCommerce Template
Xamarin Template
Gaming Platform Template
Vercel Template
Selenium testingWix Template
CMS Template
Flutter Template
Site Generator Template
Website Builder Template
Mobile Development Template
Healthcare Domain Template
Insurance Domain Template
Retail Template
Media and Entertainment Template
Telecom Domain Template
Travel and Hospitality Template

Ways to Write Test Cases

The process of writing a testing case involves many different steps, each of which is important to ensure the software quality.

Below are the ways to write them:

Test Case Example

Here is an example of a test case to test Yahoo’s login page.